It can be frustrating for you and your business if you log in your database only to find that everything has been taken down by hackers. Once your database has been hacked, the company will be compromised. Your company could suffer massive losses as a result of its database being cut. You should do everything to keep off hackers from your corporate’s database. Here are the necessary security steps you should take to protect your database from cyber-attacks.

Steps for protecting your database:

Stay Updated with The Latest Cyber-Attack Trends

Day and night, hackers always come up with new techniques of hacking databases. If you are concerned that your database may fall victim to their latest tricks, then you should start hacking and cybersecurity news regularly. Doing this will keep you outdated as you will know the newest virus that the hackers are using and the necessary steps you need to take to prevent them from taking down your database.

Improve the Security of Your Database’s Login Area

The most vulnerable area of any database is the admin’s login area. This is where most hackers always try to take down first. You should make sure that the password that you are using is a long one. A long password is complicated to guess.

To further secure your database, the number of login attempts should be restricted. This will ensure that if someone enters the wrong password several times, login will be temporarily blocked.

Use a VPN

Hackers can also get access to your company’s database through your company’s network. You can eliminate this by adopting the use of a VPN. To get started with using a VPN, you can try turbo VPN for windows. It is a VPN that is designed for communication hence it is right for your company as your company’s employees will be able to communicate with it securely.

Use a Web Application Firewall

A web application firewall, also known as WAF, can either be software based or hardware based. This firewall is usually set between the website server and the data connection. Installing a WAF will give you peace of mind as it will block out all hacking attempts. It will also filter out any unwanted traffic on your database such as malicious bots.

Limit File Uploads

For any database, file uploads should be a significant concern. This is because no matter how many times the security system you have installed checks the files, bugs can still find their way into your database. Once the bugs are in, the hackers will have unlimited access to your organization’s data. To prevent such a thing from occurring, you should avoid the uploaded files from coming into contact with your database. The files should be stored outside the root directory.